Periodic Table of Elements




Livermorium was first made in Dubna, Russia in July 2000.

Name: Livermorium
Symbol: Lv
Atomic number: 116
Atomic weight: 293
State: presumably a solid
Group, period, block: 16, 7, p
Color: unknown
Classification: unknown presumably post-transition metals
Electron configuration: 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p4

Physical properties

Density: 12.9 g/cm-3
Melting point: no data
Boiling point: no data

Atomic properties

Oxidation states: 2, 4
Electronegativity: no data
Ionization energies: 1st: 723.6 kJ·mol-1
Covalent radius: 175 pm
Van der Waals radius: no data
  • Lv
  • Electron Configuration


Livermorium is an artificial element, and thus a standard atomic mass cannot be given. Like all artificial elements, it has no stable isotopes. The first isotope to be synthesized was 293Lv in 2000. There are four known radioisotopes from 290Lv to 293Lv. The longest-lived isotope is 293Lv with a half-life of 53 ms.