Periodic Table of Elements




Tellurium (Latin tellus meaning "earth") was discovered by Franz-Joseph Müller von Reichenstein in 1782 in Romania.

Name: Tellurium
Symbol: Te
Atomic number: 52
Atomic weight: 127.60
State: solid
Group, period, block: 16, 5, p
Color: silvery lustrous gray
Classification: metalloid
Electron configuration: 4d10 5s2 5p4

Physical properties

Density: 6.24 g/cm-3
Melting point: 722.66 K, 449.51 °C, 841.12 °F
Boiling point: 1261 K, 988 °C, 1810 °F

Atomic properties

Oxidation states: 6, 5, 4, 2, -2
Electronegativity: 2.1 (Pauling scale)
Ionization energies: 1st: 869.3 kJ·mol-1
Covalent radius: 138±4 pm
Van der Waals radius: 206 pm
  • Te
  • Electron Configuration


There are eight naturally occurring isotopes of tellurium exist, 120Te, 122Te, 123Te, 124Te, 125Te, 126Te, 128Te, and 130Te.