Periodic Table of Elements




Fluorine was discovered by Henri Moissan at 1886 in France.

Name: Fluorine
Symbol: F
Atomic number: 9
Atomic weight: 18.998
State: gas
Group, period, block: 17, 2, p
Color: gas:pale yellow, liquid:bright yellow
Classification: halogen
Electron configuration: 1s2 2s2 2p5[2]

Physical properties

Density: 1700 kg m-3 or 1.696[3] g/L
Melting point: 53.53 K, -219.62 °C, -363.32[5] °F
Boiling point: 85.03 K, -188.12 °C, -306.62[5] °F

Atomic properties

Oxidation states: -1
Electronegativity: 3.98[2] (Pauling scale)
Ionization energies: 1st: 1,681[6] kJ·mol-1
Covalent radius: 64[7] pm
Van der Waals radius: 135[8] pm
  • F
  • Electron Configuration


There is one naturally occurring isotope of fluorine exist, 19F.